McLaren Vale to Old Willunga Hill

The much anticipated 151.5km Stage 5 saw massive crowds awaiting the riders on Old Willunga Hill.

Nathan Haas took maximum KOM points on the first lap of the hill.

Valverde came over the top of Gerrans to win the kick to the line. Gerrans pulled on the ochre jersey.

Willunga Hill Tour Down Under 2012

cROWDS Stage 5 Tour Down Under 2012

Stage 5 Tour Down Under 2012

Nathan Haas Stage 5 Tour Down Under 2012

Nathan Haas

Stage 5 Tour Down Under 2012

Stage 5 Tour Down Under 2012

Stage 5 Tour Down Under 2012

Valverde and Gerrans Stage 5 Tour Down Under 2012

Valverde and Gerrans

Marting Kohler Stage 5 Tour Down Under 2012

Marting Kohler

Jens Voigt Stage 5 Tour Down Under 2012

Jens and the boys